Lviv Centre of Institute of Space Research

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Results of the use of LEMI production

  1. MAGNETIC RESULTS 2012. K Pajunpää, L Häkkinen.
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  2. Magnetometric Measurements at Mt. Aragats
    Tigran Karapetyan 2013 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 409 012220
    Magnetometric station LEMI-018, and LEMI-417 commissioned by Lviv center of Space Research Institute of Ukrainian Academy of Science, have been installed on the slope of mountain Aragats (Armenia) at heights 2000 and 3200m above sea level. Operation of magnetometric station started on July 2009 and 2011 accordingly. LEMI-417 is measuring also components of the electric field... WWW

  3. Tectonic model of the Limpopo belt: Constraints from magnetotelluric data
    Precambrian Research 226 (2013) 143–156
    Magnetotelluric broadband data were collected using Phoenix Geophysics (Toronto) MTU5 instruments, and long period data were acquired with LVIV (Ukraine) LEMI systems. In this work we model MT data collected along three profiles: LOW, LIM-SSO and KAP (Fig. 2). 
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  4. Multidimensional isotropic and anisotropic investigation of the Tajo Basin subsurface. A novel anisotropic inversion approach for subsurface cases with oblique geoelectric strike directions by JAN-PHILIPP SCHMOLDT
    A thesis submitted to The Faculty of Science, National University of Ireland, Galway in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), June 2011
    6.1. Recording of magnetotelluric signals . . . . . 105
    9.1. Profile location . . . . . 201
    9.3. Modified station layout for the Lviv LEMI-417 recording system . . . 207
    9.4. Advantages of the new LVIV LEMI design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208
    9.8. Analysis of vertical magnetic transfer function data . . . . . 221
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  5. Геомагнитная обсерватория «Алма-Ата» (AAA)
    Тип используемой аппаратуры: феррозондовый магнитометр LEMI-008, портативный однокомпонентный магнитометр LEMI-203.... Данная аппаратура соответствует современным международным стандартам. В конце 2005 г Геомагнитная обсерватория «Алма-Ата» получила сертификат качества Международной организации Intermagnet.  WWW
  6. Перспективы развертывания магнитных, риометрических и оптических наблюдений на Норильском меридиане
    В Вариационном павильоне функционирует система сбора информации о вариациях магнитного поля Земли следующими приборами: трехкомпонентный феррозондовый магнитометр Lemi-008... феррозондовый деклинометр – инклинометр Lemi–203 для регистрации наклонения и склонения ЭМПЗ. Регистрация геомагнитных пульсаций осуществляется индукционным трехкомпонентным нанатесламетром Lemi–30 в диапазоне частот 0-30 Гц...
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    Lemi 112А (с марта 2002); Lemi 112 A3 (с апреля 2004); LEMI-419ANT,  320 Гц. (с апреля 2011)
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  8. Проект CRENEGON и его воздействие на развитие магнитных наблюдений в странах СНГ
    Калибровка магнитометрических приборов...
    ВЕСТНИК ОНЗ РАН, ТОМ 3, NZ5005, doi:10.2205/2011NZ000107, 2011
    Обсерватория Иркутск (Патроны) IRT, Россия. Оборудована трехкомпонентным феррозондовым магнитометром LEMI-008, деклинометром-инклинометром LEMI-203...
    Обсерватория Алма-Ата ААА, Казахстан. Оборудована трехкомпонентным феррозондовым магнитометром LEMI-008, деклинометром-инклинометром LEMI-203...
    Обсерватория Новосибирск (Ключи) NVS, Россия. Оборудована трехкомпонентным феррозондовым магнитометром LEMI-008....
    Обсерватория Петропавловск-Камчатский (Паратунка) PET, Россия
    . Оборудована деклинометром-инклинометром LEMI-203...
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  9. Космический эксперимент "Потенциал" на спутнике СИЧ-2
    Решение о проведении КЭ "Потенциал" на борту микроспутника дистанционного зондирования Земли МС-2-8 (проект "Сич-2") принято НТС НКАУ 10 октября 2007 г.
    Авторы проекта: В.Е. Корепанов (ЛЦ ИКИ)... Соисполнители: Львовский центр института космических исследований НАНУ-НКАУ (ЛЦ ИКИ)... Главный конструктор: А.А. Лукенюк (зам. директора ЛЦ ИКИ)...  Электрический зонд EZ - А.Марусенков (ЛЦ ИКИ)... Магнитометр LEMI-016M - С. Беляев (ЛЦ ИКИ)... Система сбора научной информации (ССНИ) - А. Лукенюк (ЛЦ ИКИ)... WWW
  10. Геофизической обсерватории «Плещеницы» (в 65 км к северу г. Минска).
    Основным прибором наблюдений за вариациями магнитного поля Земли является феррозондовый магнитометр LEMI-022...  наблюдения проводятся один раз в месяц с помощью феррозондового магнитометра LEMI-204... WWW

  11. Deep MT soundings in EEC: Probing upper mantle structure
    (Extended Abstract, 21 EM Induction Workshop Darwin, Australia, July 25-31, 2012)
    Starting with May 2011 continuous measurements of electromagnetic field variations have been carried out. Two magnetelluric (MT) instruments LEMI-417M and a magnetometer LEMI-025 have been installed in the pavilion. WWW
  12. Научная станции РАН в г.Бишкеке (09.08.2012)
    профильные зондирования производятся с помощью трех станций Phoenix-MTU5 (Канада), а глубинные с помощью станций LEMI- 417М (Украина).  WWW

  13. Vassouras (VSS, -22.4°N 316.35°E), Brazil.
    Centre of Institute of Space Research (National Space Agency of Ukraine) LEMI-417 In Use From: 2009-01-01.
  14. TopoIberia-IberArray Instrument Pool for Earth Observation
    Institut de Ciències de la Terra "Jaume Almera", Barcelona, Spain
    10 Long Period Magnetotelluric sounding instruments: The units are the Lemi-417 (10s-1000.000 s) designed and build by the Lviv Center of Institute of Space Research. WWW
  15. The National Geoelectromagnetic Facility – New Ultra-Wideband EM Receiver Capabilities. Extended Abstract, 21st EM Induction Workshop Darwin, Australia, July 25-31, 2012
    The  NGF  supports  a  shared  pool  of  electromagnetic  instrumentation  for  US-based  investigators  and  EM geophysics practitioners, and their foreign collaborators. The NGF provides a framework for management and operation of three EM instrument pools. The first is the EarthScope pool of 20 transportable and 7 permanent observatory  NIMS  MT  systems  and  one  LEMI-417,  available  to  EarthScope  investigators... WWW

  16. Метрологические исследования в обсерватории в д. Александровка
    Конференция “Ломоносов 2012”
    LEMI-025, LEMI-417...
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  17. Monitoring of ULF (ultra-low-frequency) Geomagnetic Variations Associated with Earthquakes (Sensors 2007, 7, 1108-1122)
    Induction magnetometers installed at these two stations are search coil type with 85 Hz sampling rate, named LEMI-30 produced by Lviv Center of Institute of Space Research, National Academy of Science of Ukraine. These sensors are intended for the study of frequency band from 0.01 to 30 Hz, and detailed specification of them is summarized in Hattori et al. (2004) (7). Also the acoustic emission sensor was installed at Matsushiro station. The acoustic sensor records the emissions at four frequency bands of 30, 160, 500, and 1000Hz. The lowest band corresponds to the uppermost frequency of LEMI-30.
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    For the ULF measurements, LEMI-30 induction high-resolution magnetometers (Fig.1a) built by the Lviv Centre of Space Research, Ukraine which measure the three components of the magnetic field (X, Y, Z) will integrate the existing networks of seismic stations in the Iberian Peninsula and the Western Mediterranean Broad Band Network... Fig.1 – a) High-resolution magnetometers (LEMI-30) which measure the three components of the magnetic field (selected from Lviv Centre of Space Research brochure)...
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  19. Broadband Magnetotelluric Instruments for Near-surface and Lithospheric Studies of Electrical Conductivity: A Fennoscandian Pool of Magnetotelluric Instruments
    Geophysica (2008), 44(1-2), 31-44
    In the AMT-MT mode (0.0011000 Hz), magnetic field components are measured using three broadband induction coil magnetometers LEMI-120 from Ukraine. In the LMT-mode (d.c. 10 s) the magnetic field is measured with a three-component fluxgate magnetometer, also from Ukraine. In the Uppsala instruments, MFS05-coils from Metronix are used instead of LEMI-120 coils and a newer version of Lviv fluxgate magnetometers (suspended, water-proof) for LMT. Electric field is measured in both cases with two electric dipoles of normally 50250 m long and with Pb/PbCl2 electrodes.
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  20. The EGLE experiment. Esperia’s Geo-magnetometer for a Low frequency wave Experiment
    Search-coil magnetometer LEMI-106I consists of search-coil sensor (SCS) and electronic unit, both located inside protective housing. The housing of the search-coil magnetometer has tubular shape and is made of fibreglass tube with inner electrostatic screen. Output cable of the magnetometer has the connector for the coupling to the registration unit. Schematic diagram of the LEMI-106I magnetometer is presented on Fig. 1. The LEMI-106I magnetometer construction allows to use it onboard the spacecraft in space. It is designed to withstand accelerations during the active phase of the launch and vacuum and temperature gradients during operation in space... LEMI-106 I Amplitude Frequency Response S(f)/S(1200Hz) during high temperature test. Table 2... Conclusion – magnetometer LEMI-106 I passed climatic tests successfully... LEMI-106I Amplitude Frequency Response S(f)/S(1200Hz) before and after vibration-survival test. Table 4... Conclusion – magnetometer passed vibration-survival test successfully...
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  21. Magnetic anomaly detection systems – target based and noise based approach
    International Scientific CNRS Fall School 2012. High Sensitivity Magnetometers "Sensors & Applications" 4th Edition, Monday 22 - Friday 26 October 2012, Branville, Normandy, FRANCE,  Dr. Boris Ginzburg, NRC SOREQ, 81800 Yavne, Israel
    LEMI-019 single-axis fluxgate magnetometer... The normalized histogram of 12 h data acquisition of magnetometer noise...
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  22. PLASMON EMMA for near real time monitoring of the plasmasphere
    Heilig B, M Vellante, J Reda, T Raita, P Sutcliffe, L Merйnyi, A Csontos, P Kovбcs, IAGA Workshop, San Fernando, Spain, June 2012.
    LEMI-035 (LEMI d i f PLASMON)... Calibration: LEMI-035 + PLASMON DAQ... LEMI-025, Nurmijдrvi
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  23. The upper crustal 3-D resistivity structure of the Kristineberg area, Skellefte district, northern Sweden revealed by magnetotelluric data
    Juliane Hьbert, Marнa de los Бngeles Garcнa Juanatey, Alireza Malehmir, Ari Tryggvason and Laust B. Pedersen, Geophys. J. Int. (2012)doi: 10.1093/gji/ggs044First published online: November 28, 2012
    We used induction coil magnetometers MFS05/MFS06 from Metronix, Germany and LEMI from Lviv, Ukraine as well as non-polarizable Pb-PbCl electrodes...
    The permanent MT network that is in the process of being developed by TUT and HMO will consist of 17 LEMI-417 long period MT stations. We are extremely grateful for the funding of the equipment, which was supplied by the National Equipment Program (NEP) of the National Research Foundation (NRF) of South Africa.

    Зайцев Г.Н., Кушнир А.Н., Институт геофизики им. С.И. Субботина НАН Украины
    г.Санкт-Петербург. 18-25 октября 2010 г. – СПб., 2010.-330с
    Для выполнения работ были использованы автоматические цифровые пятикомпонентные длиннопериодные станции LEMI-417...
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  26. Results of Geomagnetic Observations Belsk, Hel, Hornsund, 2008
    PUBLS. INST. GEOPHYS. POL. ACAD. SC., C-102 (409), 2009
    Jan REDA, Mariusz NESKA and Stanis aw WУJCIK
    Magnetometers LEMI were designed at the Lviv Centre of the Institute of Space Research (Ukraine). They employ flux-gate sensors. These magnetometers have been successfully used as auxiliary sets...
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  27. Schumann Resonance as a versatile tool for modern Solar-terrestrial physics investigation and its detection from Tripura: A brief report Anirban Guha, Barin Kumar De, Rakesh Roy, Abhijit Choudhury, Trisanu Banik, Pranab Dhar and Monti Chakraborty, Department of Physics, Tripura University, Suryamaninagar-799022, Tripura, India
    We experimented with several instruments and locations to find research quality data. Finally, we succeeded to get good quality data using LEMI-30 three-coil induction coil magnetometer which we procured from the Lviv Centre of the Institute for Space Research, Ukraine. It took us six months of rigorous experimentation with LEMI-30 coils to finalize the field location...
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    The induction coils deployed in the CARISMA array are custom made sensors based on the LEMI-30, produced by Lviv Centre of Institute for Space Research, and are designed for measurements on the range 0.001Hz to 30Hz.

  29. Deep deformation pattern from electrical anisotropy in an arched orogen (Betic Cordillera, western Mediterranean)
    Ana Ruiz-Constбn, Jesъs Galindo-Zaldivar, Antonio Pedrera, Jorge A. Arzate, Jaume Pous, Farida Anahnah, Wiebke Heise, Fernando A. Monteiro Santos, and Carlos Marнn-Lechado
    Geology, August 2010, v. 38, p.731-734
    NEW MT DATA. The MT data were collected along a 180-km-long pro le that extends approximately NNW-SSE, orthogonal to the major geological structures (Fig. 3). The pro le consists of nine LMT sites acquired using LEMI-417 instruments in a period range of 10–20,000 s...
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  30. Magnetotelluric investigation of the Iberian lithosphere and asthenosphere beneath Tajo Basin and Betic Cordillera (PICASSO - Phase I)
    Jan-Philipp Schmoldt, Alan G. Jones, Colin Hogg and Oriol Rosell
    AGA WG 1.2 on Electromagnetic Induction in the Earth20th Workshop Abstract Giza, Egypt , September 18-24, 2010
    Data were successfully recorded at 20 locations using Phoenix Geophysics broadband MTU stations and Lviv long-period LEMI stations, with station spacing closeto 20 km; 4 additional Phoenix Geophysics broadband MTU station were installed at certain areas along theprofile reducing the station spacing to 10 km in orderto increase resolution in these regions...

    Магнитная обсерватория «Иркутск»
    В 2012 г. в обсерватории проводились непрерывные наблюдения за вариациями геомагнитного поля тремя сериями магнитометров: – трехкомпонентная феррозондовая станция Lemi-018...
    Байкальская магнитно-теллурическая обсерватория «Узур».

    На БМТО в 2012 г. проводились непрерывные круглосуточные круглогодичные наблюдения низкочастотных горизонтальных электромагнитных полей на универсальной многокомпонентной станции Lemi-418...
    Станция регистрации геомагнитных пульсаций «Монды» (ССО, с. Монды, Республика Бурятия).
    В обсерватории установлен и функционирует современный цифровой индукционный нанотесламетр Lemi-30...
    Норильская комплексная магнитно-ионосферная станция(НорКМИС).

    ...вариационные наблюдения (трехкомпонентная феррозондовая станция Lemi-008); регистрация геомагнитных пульсаций в диапазоне частот 0–30 Гц (станция Lemi-30)...
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